Bespoke Policies and Procedures

Good Governance starts with great policies
and procedures.

Good Governance starts with great policies and procedures.

With Bespoke Policies and Procedures you can be
confident they meet your business needs!

Every regulated service is expected to operate using a framework of policies and procedures to ensure standards are maintained and regulations are met. Good governance can be demonstrated by providers operating robust policies and measuring the practice of the service against these policies.

We appreciate that there are a wealth of well written off the shelf systems in place for nearly every regulated service. But how many services are “off the shelf”? We believe that every company is unique and every service they operate is unique. Therefore the policy system they operate must be unique too. We appreciate that off the shelf packages can be amended and changed to meet individual needs, we also know that many providers do not have the time to do that.

Bespoke Policies and Procedures
Eventually we find the policies are on the shelf to satisfy the regulators and what happens in reality is very different to what is written. This means Good Governance easily falls through the net.
Bespoke Policies of Swift Management Services
We know that regulators are looking at policies and testing them against practice when they complete inspections. If your insurance company is looking at a potential claim they will look at your policies and compare them to what happened. We know that maintaining a quality system of policies and procedures is difficult and time consuming. We also know the pitfalls of systems and what and why things go wrong.

How our Service Works

Gap Analysis

Write bespoke

Train your staff
Undertake governance reviews

Provide Board
level reports

Gap Analysis

Write bespoke

Train your staff
Undertake governance reviews

Provide Board
level reports

Even if you have a set of off the shelf policies that you would like to use, our team can assist you to adapt them to your service, leaving you and your team the time to do what you do best and provide great care.

It is not until there is an inspection or when something goes wrong, people pay much attention to policy review, but from experience we know, that maintaining a robust quality system can prevent reputational damage, incidents and expensive claims. Good governance and quality reviews are key to providing a Well-Led and Safe Service.

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Frequently Asked Questions

No we do not provide off the shelf policy sets, but we can recommend companies that do.

Not all services within the health and social care sectors are covered by off the shelf policy sets and making policies fit from one service type to another is not always easy. Not every company works the same as another and therefore having bespoke policies makes the document more meaningful.

Yes- More and more often we are seeing regulators checking for good governance processes being in place, and an operator, trying to ensure each home is working within the policy guidance when every home is working differently is problematic for any provider.

Yes through workshops and discussion with the relevant groups we are able to install and adapt policies and procedures that allow homes to be individual whilst working to a common set of policies.