Hospices Care

Hospice care aims to improve the quality of life and wellbeing of adults and children with a life-limiting or terminal condition.


We believe that ‘getting it right’ at the end of a person’s life is one of the greatest privilege’s that someone can participate in. Our team have experience in supporting hospices to meet, exceed standard of governance. 

Clinical Governance Process

The process of excellent clinical governance can be daunting for teams working within a hospice, as it encompasses so many different elements some of which may be used infrequently. Our team are able to review clinical governance processes and provide practical advice and guidance to support a team to improve systems. If necessary we are able to provide a consultant to work with your team to implement new systems and practices.

With the CQC’s new Single Assessment Framework Inspection process now more than ever excellent clinical governance is high on the agenda not only from a well led perspective but also to ensure patient receive the best possible care and treatment.

Our Hospice Clinical Governance lead consultant has over 30 years’ experience working in executive roles specialising in Clinical Governance and is happy to discuss how we can support you. The hands on approach Swift Management have to our clinical governance reviews means a hospice or individual service within a hospice can arrange as much or as litle support they need to review and maintain excellent governance systems.

Our review report can also be used as evidence of good practice at the time of your next CQC inspection

Implementation of Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF)

The Patient Safety Incident Response Framework is an intrinsic element of compliance for hospices who are contracting with Integrated Care Boards (ICB’s) and it is essential that the processes are understood and implemented.

Whilst PSIRF has simplified many processes, not all providers of hospice care work with the system every day. This means when a patient safety incident does occur they may not be as familiar as they could be with the processes.

Our Clinical Governance lead consultant is able to assist providers commissioned by the NHS to establish and implement the core elements of PSIRF and even go as far as support the hospital team by completing investigations and compiling investigation reports and root cause analysis documents as required. 

Service Improvement Plans and Departmental Service Improvement Plans

Service Improvement Plans are an intrinsic part of the new single framework inspection process. The use of live plans can help to demonstrate a well-led and effective service.

The building of Service Improvement plans and using them on a daily basis takes both skill and time. We appreciate that time is not always possible in busy departments.

We assist Hospices or individual departments to establish and maintain detailed service improvement plans. We can provide a tried and tested template for you to use, or we can help you develop and maintain your own system whichever works best for you.

Many of our clients find regular reviews of the Service Improvement plan in the form of coaching sessions really helps to ensure the document is live and up to date.

If you are finding navigating the work of Service Improvement plans daunting or you simple never find the time to keep them up to date we can help. Contact our team to discuss your requirements and we can tailor a plan just for you.

Mock Inspections for Hospices

We appreciate that many hospices are multifaceted, and we know that a good rating helps to give confidence to patients and commissioners alike. We conduct Mock Inspections of hospices and provided an overarching inspection report and also departmental inspection reports, meaning your team can focus on the issues they need to. Our reports examine all elements of the Single Assessment Framework process to ensure you are ready for your next CQC inspection.

Our reports include a recommended action plan which identifies and provides advice on regulatory non conformances and also best practice recommendations to help you polish your service.

For more information on our mock inspection process visit: Mock CQC Inspections Services – Swift Management Services


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