Regulatory Support

We appreciate not having time can be a problem so we provide all the
support you need to work within a regulated service

We appreciate not having time can be a problem so we provide all the support you need to work within a regulated service

Understand the regulations

Have a Plan

Transparent Dialogue

Regulatory Support from setting up a new service to working through a complex issue, we will be beside you every step of the way.

Working in a regulated industry can be a challenge, and responding to the challenges placed on a provider by the regulators is vital and usually timebound.

We are able to support providers to navigate through all issues relating to operating a regulated service.

Preparing a service to increase grades

Factual accuracy challenges

Action Plans

New Registrations

Variation to Registration

De Registration/Preparing for Sale/Closure

Assistance with representation for a Notice of Proposal

Assistance with representation for a Notice of Decision

Support with Enforcement Action

How we can help and save you time.

We can offer the practical support, gather evidence and work with you as the provider to ensure that the action you are taking is correct, accurate and proportionate. From attending meetings to support a provider, completing forms and gathering evidence for a minor change in service provision or challenge to managing your business and preparing it for sale, our team are here to help.

From the smallest variation to the most complex Notice of Decision, the documentation you submit to the regulator can really make a difference to the speed of response and the action they take. We can help you get it right first time.

When we believe that you need the additional support of a solicitor, we can either work with your own solicitor or recommend a specialist.

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Frequently Asked Questions

We offer support to our clients, when they are finding it difficult to meet regulation or when they are looking to work to improve their ratings.

We can undertake a review of your registration and the issues you are having and provide a review of the issues, provide advice on meeting the standards and how this may be achieved. Sometimes it is better to withdraw an application to register and start fresh.

We offer a registration package, which assists new entrants in the sector achieve registration. That said we cannot do it for you completely, and support with this may include training and development for your team.

You cannot insist it is changed, however you can challenge the reports accuracy and we can help with the process. The key to this is providing reasons why you disagree and providing the evidence to support your statements. Our team of consultants are able to assist in this challenge.  Once a factual accuracy has been submitted you also have the opportunity to appeal against the decision and we can recommend a solicitor if required to assist with any legal challenge at either stage if required.

We have consultants who have specialist knowledge across regulation in England, Scotland and Wales, we do not provide services in Northern Ireland at the current time.

Usually we are able to provide prompt assistance, but the more time we have the more detail we can support you with. When time is short we ensure we meet the deadline once we have agreed to take the case on. If there is not sufficient time for us to assist we will tell you during the initial enquiry stage. To date we have always been able to meet the deadlines.

We can write you a basic response using the inspection report and a telephone conversation and in some instances requesting information from you. This response will not be complete as we do not know the service, however it will form a good basis of a response. We can then send a consultant to visit and expand on the plan. Most inspectors will accept a preliminary plan if they know a more detailed plan is on the way. It is however best to give us as much notice as possible in the first instance.