Registered Manager Support

We support registered managers to create a person-centred culture that delivers a high-quality service


Care for registered managers is vital as it can be a lonely role. Having the right person to talk to about issues you are facing and being supported through situations can make all the difference. We offer totally confidential 1:1 support and coaching to give you the opportunity to discuss concerns and develop your practice as a registered manager to enable you to manage complex situations. We can provide you with monthly mentorship and coaching discussions, telephone support, crisis management support and reflective discussion opportunities.

We offer four tiers of support for you to choose from:

Tier 1

One of our consultants will email you regularly on a 4 weekly basis to check that you are not struggling with any issues, and that you are confident that your service is performing as expected.

The consultant will aim to answer any questions that you have and will be able to provide you with links to resources Typically this level of support suits experienced managers, who would appreciate a sense check on actions they are taking.

Tier 2

One of our consultants will email you regularly on a 4 weekly basis as above, but in addition will also provide the opportunity to discuss matters over the telephone. Typically this call will last no longer than 30 minutes.

This level of support suits experienced managers, who prefer to have a conversation with a critical friend.



Tier 3 

One of our consultants will have a 1:1 discussion with you via telephone for up to 1 hr duration, every 2 weeks. To maximise the effectiveness, we suggest that you contact your named consultant by email a few days before the discussion, so that they can prepare any resources that may assist.

This level of support is designed to help managers who are experienced, but have recently moved to a new position and as they develop have the opportunity for reflective practice.

Tier 4

One of our consultants will meet with you in a mutually convenient location. During the session ( duration 2-3 hrs) they will provide you with the opportunity to critically review a recent event, identify what learning there is, and how to plan a response should the event occur again.

This level of support is aimed at Managers who are seeking promotion, Developing new services, or simply to ensure that their professional portfolio can evidence reflective practice.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Research has shown that career progression and personal development are key aspects for the retention of staff within a business. Good registered managers are hard to find so retaining them in the business is vital.

Some small providers do not have the resources to provide their own support network and development opportunities in house, outsourcing this support can allow the owners the opportunity to provide support without taking on a regular commitment themselves.

Usually to provide consistency and ensure that the registered managers get the most out of this service the minimum contract length is twelve months.

The service we provide is confidential and whatever is said between the manager and the consultant will not be directly divulged, however if something is raised which we professionally have no alternative but to raise, we will inform the manager of that and seek their consent.