The assessment framework to be implemented is built on five key questions, but the rating system will remain unchanged.
The implementation will be phased and CQC state they will be clear when the new framework will directly affect health and care providers.
Why is CQC changing the approach to inspection:
· There is a need to simplify the approach to enable inspectors to focus on what really matters to people.
· CQC need to be able to reflect on how care is actually delivered by different types of services in different areas.
· CQC need a framework that connects their registration activity to the ongoing assessments of quality.
CQC have confirmed that they will not be changing the quality rating system or the five key questions: Is a service Safe, Well led, Effective, Caring and Responsive. The current key lines of enquiry will be replaced with quality statements. It is hoped this will reduce the duplication that the current framework produces.
The statements will be written from a providers perspective as it is believed this will assist providers to understand what is required of them.
CQC will be using information gathered to make their judgements these will be based on:
· Peoples experiences
o The feedback from families, friends and advocates will be used as evidence about the lived experience of the home, including how good the care provision is.
o CQC will value people’s experiences as highly as other sources of evidence and weight them equally with other required evidence categories.
o If CQC receive feedback relating to people having a poor experience they will identify this as a concern. They will gather more evidence & this will happen even if other sources of evidence show no issues of concern.
o There will be an increased scrutiny relating to how providers and their systems encourage, enable and act on feedback.
· Feedback from staff and leaders
o Results from Staff Surveys
o Trainee surveys
o Interviews with individual or groups of staff
o Staff focus groups
o Interviews with leadership of a service
o Evidence from providers self-assessments
o Compliments and concerns raised to CQC
· Observations of care
o Interviews with staff and professionals who work in the service
o Healthwatch and other partners
o Reports from Experts by Experience
o Care Observations
o Observation of the care environment including equipment and premises.
o Speaking to the people that use the service.
o Gaining an insight into the culture and how staff interact with each other.
· Feedback from partners
o Feedback from commissioners and local providers
o Feedback from professional regulators
o Feedback from accreditation bodies
o Feedback from Royal Colleges
o Feedback from Multi-agency bodies.
· Processes
o Data from national clinical audits
o Indicators from patient/resident data sets
o Infection prevention and control
o Reported incidents and notifications
o Review of care records
· Outcomes of care
o Mortality rates
o Infection control rates
o Quality of life assessments
The Swift Management Team are working with clients to understand the new process and help them to prepare evidence and structure responses. We are carrying out mock inspections based on the new framework, to help both providers and their staff to prepare for their next inspection.
For more information about how we can help please contact