When we undertake engagement survey for clients, we do so to provide confidential feedback to enable the collective data to be used to improve the service, customer or staff experience.
Where we receive written information in addition to the scored elements of the survey, we provide the information back to the client paraphrased to ensure that the anonymity of the author.
Why? – Experience has shown that the most useful survey feedback is given when the person completing the form feels able to speak freely.
Therefore our promise to the survey participants is: The original survey forms will never be shared with the company commissioning the survey, whether that is collected electronically or on paper.
Only collective information is provided within the main context of the report and any additional comments will be added with the aim of protecting anonymity. Where we believe a comment made has the potential to identify a specific person we do our best to anonymise it.
The generic elements of our surveys can be benchmarked against industry standards, however additional questions added by the commissioning company may not have data sets available.
The purpose of an engagement survey is to see what a company does really well, and what area they can improve upon. Using an external company to undertake the survey gives the best possible opportunity of honest engagement.
The results are presented in both electronic and printed formats. We consider it best practice for the reports to be made available for those who contributed along with an action plan detailing what action is going to be taken as a result of the survey. With this in mind our consultant also assist by providing “You Said – We Did” posters.
Best practice indicates that surveys should be undertaken at least annually to measure the success of the organisation and assist the board in setting objectives. We believe that those who contribute are more likely to contribute again and increase the survey return rate if they know with certainty that action will be taken as a result of their collective contribution.
The provision of confidential feedback to a survey increases engagement rates, ensures honest feedback and provides the best possible data sets to allow a company to measure success and take measures to improve for the future.
Understanding where a company sits within industry benchmarks is a really good ways of celebrating success and building a plan to improve on areas that are not achieving the same ratings as the clients competitors.