Why use a Consultancy Team

Caring for the Care Provider

The Care Home Support Consultancy Team at Swift Management Services have recently met to review the past year and to plan the year ahead. During these discussions we quickly came to understand that our clients often leave contacting us very late on in a situation. Many providers call us when they are in trouble with an inadequate inspection report or worse, or they are trying to obtain outstanding ratings. Is that the only reason that a consultancy can be used and should this not be turned on its head to make the best use of a consultancy team?

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During the last year the team has help companies write policies and procedures, worked to resolve inadequate ratings, supported providers after they have been issued with notices of decision including regulation 31 closures, resolved large scale safeguarding enquires on behalf of providers working in partnership with the local authority. We have also helped two new companies successfully register as providers with the Care Quality Commission as well as acting as expert witnesses.

One of the advantages of engaging a Consultancy team as opposed to a single consultant is, the breadth of skills our clients can count on. We work closely with a number of expert firms of solicitors to ensure that we can provide a truly 360o service. Every client has a lead consultant who ensures we have the right person working with you every step of the way.

But why is it time to change peoples thinking as to why they need a consultant?

Whether you own or manage a care home or work in the most junior role within one, we all entered this industry to improve the lives of the people we care for. It is not just about the money, after all there are far more profitable businesses to be in.

When providers look at client based outcomes, they will automatically improve their ratings with the regulators, profitability, staff morale, reputation and occupancy. Coupling these automatic improvements with systems and service reviews, a consultancy can offer so much more to a client than simply crisis management. In essence we are suggesting that we avoid the crisis in the first place.

Our dedicated team offer packages of sustained support to clients to see them through the good times as well as the more challenging times.

Interim management is also something the industry is reluctant to engage in. It is well recognised that care homes are “only as good as the manager” yet when there is a vacancy many operators leave the post vacant and expect the deputy to “cope”. Many times we have seen services deteriorate quickly when the home is without a manager.

The care home support team want you to achieve great outcomes for your clients, and work in partnership with you to make it happen. This method of working will ensure that grades are maintained and improved upon, without the need to crisis management and because we have the right people working for us, we will ensure that you have the very best person for the job in hand.

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Flexible contracts and payment plans mean that having a consultant need not be confined to the emergencies or to meet the aspirations of the board, but to keep the service on track and improve the lives of the residents we all want to care for.

For more information why not get in touch to discuss your needs and options.
