The Swift Management KLOE Inspection process

CQC has a framework of inspection based on what is known as “the KLOE’s”. The term KLOE stands for Key Lines of Enquiry. They are based on best practice and the evidence from the KLOE goes to make up the care providers rating in the five categories of Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive, and Well Led.

Some of our provider’s comment that their inspection report is repetitive and one or two points have been used in a number of categories, this is because the KLOE inspected has an impact on more than one categories, for example, a medication error caused by a number of staff members could impact on Safe, Caring and Well Led.

The information that CQC gathers throughout the year from many different sources is used as part of the inspection process and allows the inspection team to focus on various aspects of your service using the KLOE’s. When the inspection takes place the inspector already has a lot of information about your service and so it is important for the Manager and the team at the home to showcase the excellent work they do.

There is never a good time for the inspection team to arrive, we all know in a care home, every day is different, and something is always pulling the manager in one direction or another. That said the inspection is a snapshot of the home and depending on how everyone performs will significantly influence the outcome of the inspection. The Swift Management KLOE inspection documentation is designed to help at the time of your CQC inspection as it signposts the good practice.

When we carry out a KLOE inspection you will receive a visit from two consultants, usually unannounced but pre-arranged. This is to make the inspection as real as possible. One consultant carries out an inspection in much the same way as an inspector from CQC would do.

Whilst the second Consultant works with the manager to draw out evidence good or otherwise to support every KLOE. This then provides the home with a comprehensive report, which not only givens you a summary of the day, but details the evidence seen along with an assessment of standards and potential grade for each KLOE. The assessment can then be fed into the Service plan to make any improvements. The very positive aspect of this style of report is the evidence used to make the assessment is listed, meaning if used at the time of a CQC inspection, the manager is able to put forward all the evidence they will need to make their assessment. Given that an inspection is a snapshot of the care home, the more detail you provide the better the picture of the home will be. The Swift Management KLOE inspection report has assisted our clients to have at hand the evidence they need ensuring nothing is missed.

Where things need improvement the service plan produced by Swift Management provides the inspectors with a transparent and honest action plan, with not only the issues but how, and by whom the action is going to be taken and how they are going to be monitored. Any inspector knows that there is no perfect care home, and there are always improvements to be made, but a home that knows, understands, and owns the issues before they are pointed out by a CQC inspection is certainly well led.

Our clients have found our KLOE inspection audits have assisted in the formal CQC inspection process for many reasons. The first being staff have practiced an inspection. The second being there is an action plan to address issues before they are raised. The third being the inspectors are provided with the evidence they need to make a sound judgment because nothing is missed.

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