How Mock KLOE inspections help

Few if any registered providers and managers look forward to an inspection visit from the CQC.  The relationship between providers and the regular are at times strained as purchasers of care use inspection reports to make decisions about placements. A single comment in an inspection report or a change in rating can have a positive or devastating impact on a service, and it is therefore important that providers are aware of the likely ratings they will receive if an inspection takes place.  By understanding the inspection process providers can make the experience a positive one.

A mock KLOE (Key Lines of Enquiry) inspection will help a provider to identify their strengths and weaknesses, and what action they should take to achieve a positive inspection report.  Our mock inspections are a comprehensive review of all KLOE’s, carried out by our expert consultants all of whom have extensive experience in a regulated care environment. They will work with you and your staff team to evidence the great work that you do and identify if there are areas that can be further developed to provide robust evidence of compliance and good practice.

With the change in focus of CQC to look at outcomes and what care users of your service experience it has never been more important to understand what you are delivering and how it is received.  A mock KLOE inspection and action plan can help you achieve a great regulator inspection report.

Contact Swift Management Services today and see how affordable a mock KLOE inspection is.